Thursday 27 January 2011

18th Century Russia

THESIS: Anna Romanova, Elizabeth Romanova, and Peter III Romanovna were all just as successful as Peter and Catherine with the way they were all able to maintain peace in Russia and even better the country's relationship with the rest of Europe.
- Anna Romanova
  • Got rid of Supreme Privy Council
  • Maintained peace in Russia
  • Steadied foreign relations
- Elizabeth Romanova
  • Soldiers of Russia were in her favor
  • Made it so other countries all wanted to establish treaties with Russia
  • Got rid of capital punishment
  • Flourishing economy and culture
- Peter III Romanova
  • Returned important figures from exile
  • Nobles did not have to serve the state
  • Dissenters were not to be punished
  • Instituted various reforms

**Peter the Great and later Catherine the Great were two of the most commended for their politics and the way they were able to advance Russia.  Peter made many improvements in the military of Russia, building up their army and navy and defending Russia from numerous threats, gaining territories left and right.  Catherine was a great patron of the arts and culture, founding museums and libraries all throughout Russia.  Both of them contributed greatly to the success of their country in the 18th century.  However, many of the rulers who controlled Russia between the reigns of Peter and Catherine deserve credit for their advances that they are not receiving.  Peter the Great and Catherine the Great were indeed both great, but there were many other czars and czarinas who also added to the success of Russia.  Anna Romanova, Elizabeth Romanova, and Peter III Romanovna were all just as successful as Peter and Catherine with the way they were all able to maintain peace in Russia and even better the country's relationship with the rest of Europe.
**Anna Romanova took the throne after the death Peter II.  Shortly after, she abolished the Supreme Privy Council which had elected her to rule in the first part.  Though this act is often questioned, the outcome of her rule overcomes this one uncertain act.  Throughout her whole rule, Anna maintained peace in Russia.  There was no internal fighting nor international wars.  In fact, during Anna's war, international relationships were made better, making Russia more interconnected with Europe, something Peter the Great had often tried to achieve.
**Elizabeth Romanova, ruling after Ivan IV, did one step better.  By the time she died, countries all over Europe were jumping to form treaties with Russia and be in the country's favor.  Part of the success of her rule came from her ability to sway people on her side, like she did with the soldiers of Russia even before she came to the throne.  While in power, she made the drastic, but beneficial, decision to abolish capital punishment, instead imprisoning or banishing criminals.  While she was in power, both the economy and the culture of Russia flourished.  Catherine the Great was not the only ruler of Russia who was able to give her country a sense of a true culture, and this was one of the reasons Elizabeth was an excellent ruler, not to mention the peace and stability of the country during her rule.
**Peter III Romanova, Elizabeth's successor, also instituted many drastic changes that turned out for the better of Russia.  All of the important statesmen that had been exiled he returned to the country, which ended up being a good decision on his part.  They were able to help the country to run more smoothly under the guidance of Peter.  On the other hand any nobles that did not want to serve the state were not forced to, and any subjects who did not agree with Peter's politics were not persecuted for this.  The fact that Peter was interested in the well-being and happiness of his subjects and not very dictatorial led to the peace within the country during his reign.  He also maintained peaceful international relationships, and under him Russia flourished. His reign was not long, but this only helps to show how successful he was in such a short time.
**Anna Romanova, Elizabeth Romanova, and Peter III Romanova were all quite successful rulers of Russia and do not deserve to be over-shadowed by Peter the Great and Catherine the Great.  Peter and Catherine both did marvelous things to benefit Russia, but Anna, Elizabeth, and Peter were all able to maintain peace and better the country as well.  In fact, they were the ones who cleaned up whatever mess Peter left behind and paved the way for Catherine to be a successful ruler.  These three rulers were able to maintain peace within the country and within the world, helping the country's economy and culture to flourish.  They all did great things for Russia, and for this they should be remembered.  Not every great ruler of Russia needs a "Great" behind their name, but those such as Anna, Elizabeth, and Peter III should receive the recognition they deserve.

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