Monday, 22 November 2010

The Test That I Killed Myself Studying For And Really Hope I Pass

1. Martin Luther
2. 95 Theses
3. Amsterdam (???)
4. The Basilica
5. October 31 (Halloween), 1517 (**Freebie)
6. Salvation by faith alone
7. The Bible
8. Hierarchy of bishops and Pope
9. The Protestants and Martin Luther (???)
10. False
11. German peasantry
12. Catholicism
13. Protestantism
14. Peace of Augsburg
15. Luther was a revolutionary because he contradicted the Catholic teachings, and when the Catholics approached him in a Council to make him admit his mistakes, he refused.
16. Luther was a political conservative because he didn't involve himself in wars, though there were wars fought over his beliefs.
17. John Calvin
18. Amsterdam
19. (**Freebie)
20. Hugonots
21. Henry VIII
22. Elizabeth I
23. Anabaptists
24. Pope Leo
25. Council of Trent
26. True
27. William Tyndale
28. Archbishop Curly
29. To have faith in God and spread it to others
30. 17th century (1600)
31. Raphael
32. Philip II
33. The Spanish Armada
34, St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
35. Edict of Nantes
36. 300
37. Peace of Augsburg
38. Protestant Union
39. Catholic League
40. Catholic (they wanted to reverse Protestant gains)
41. Protestants
42. Catholic League: Ferdinand II; Protestant Union: Frederick V
43. Gustavus Adolphus
44. Peace of Westphalia
45. Alsauce
46. Germany
47. France

1 comment:

  1. 3. Wittenberg
    4. St. Peter's Basilica
    10. True
    11. German nobility
    13. Lutherinism
    16. Gave support to German nobility
    18. Geneva, Switzerland
    19. John Knox (FREEBIE)
    20. Pope Julius II
    27. The Volgate
    28. Ignatius Loyala
    31. Bernini
